Claim Your Six Pack Abs: Fat Burning Tips, Meals and Workouts To Destroy Belly Fat

Product Name: Claim Your Six Pack Abs: Fat Burning Tips, Meals and Workouts To Destroy Belly Fat


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From The Desk Of Carolyn Hansen (Certified Fitness Instructor)

Hello, my name is Carolyn Hansen and my book Claim Your Six Pack Abs is the culmination of a great deal of thought on my part as to why it is that people seem to have such difficulty today maintaining that athletic look that youth normally provides us with, but which age slowly robs from us as the years pass.

I don't think it needs to be that way. In fact, I KNOW that it does not have to be that way, and this page of mine is dedicated to explaining why I believe that to be the case. I will also be pointing out what it is that you need to do so that you too can rid yourself of belly fat for good, the way I have done.

I have been a fitness professional now for more than three decades, and I have read probably every piece of advice there is out there on how to slim down and strip away the annoying layer of fat around the midsection that separates the average-looking Joe (or Josephine) from the show stopper with the body that has the opposite sex unable to take their eyes off them when they enter a room.

The truth is, you don't need six pack abs to take over a social scene this way, or to improve your health to such an extent that your risk for chronic health conditions falls away dramatically. But in Claim Your Six Pack Abs I am going to show you how to go about getting that body anyway.

If you really want that body there is nothing stopping you from having it. All you need is a proper fat loss blueprint to guide you, and that's something I can provide you with.

But before we get into all that, there is something I want to address about the nature of this product, just so that you will know exactly what it is that I am putting into your hands, which is a very powerful tool to realize a flat tummy, or even those highly desired washboard abdominals for those willing to put in the extra effort to achieve this.

I want to take a moment before I tell you what Claim Your Six Pack Abs is about to impress upon you what it is not. I feel I need to do this because one of the main goals for the book is to teach you how to burn fat more efficiently by modifying your eating habits and to increase your metabolism through exercise, which will cause you to burn more calories over a greater part of the day than you are currently doing now. So, regardless of what else it might be said to be, the book IS a fat loss instrument.

Because of this I think it is necessary to point out that there are a great many bogus weight loss sites online today, but this is not one of them. It is unfortunate, but these sites make it really difficult for the consumer to form an objective judgement about what is realistic and what is not when it comes to expectations about what a weight loss product can do for them.

The problem is so rampant that the Federal Trade Commission dedicates time and resources to alerting the public on what to look out for with these sites. They even have a highly detailed and useful downloadable PDF document entitled Red Flag Bogus Weight Loss Claims that I encourage you to check out. In a nutshell, be on the lookout for sites that claim you can easily reduce your body weight by more than about a pound a day, and keep it off for good, without embarking on a strenuous physical activity program and cutting calories from your diet.

By the way, you will find no such claims on this page. I can help you to lose weight, and the only thing I rely on to get the job done is my knowledge of how the human body responds to nutrition and exercise.

My feeling is that the majority of these bogus weight loss sites are very likely run by people who have never seen the inside of a gym, let alone spent any real time trying to figure out what works when it comes to trying to lose weight effectively. Well, I am of a different cut entirely.

You absolutely CAN have that impressive set of washboard ripples on your midesction, if that's what you want. Not all of those wonderful physiques you see on the late night infomercials are airbrushed onto the screen. Real people do possess those tight midsections!

Not many, granted, but then very few people understand just what it takes to hone your body into a fat burning machine that automatically trims itself into the shape you want. The good news is that by the time you have finished reading Claim Your Six Pack Abs you will understand exactly what is required to get you to that point.

Of course, not everyone has a burning desire to be able to turn heads whenever they go out in public.

Most people I have interacted with over the years are perfectly happy just to be able to simply flatten their tummy and reclaim the body that was theirs just ten years earlier. You see, with every decade that passes as we advance beyond the age of about thirty, we lose around 10 percent of our muscle mass - mainly due to inactivity. We just get lazy.

The problem with this is that muscle is the primary fat-burning tissue in our body. As we lose it, we lose the capacity to convert calories into instantly usable forms of energy, and instead those same calories end up around our midsection as that annoying layer of fat that has you increasingly wondering where it all went wrong.

Luckily, this state of affairs has very little in general to do with genetics or any other form of influence over your body that may be out of your control. Instead, it mostly boils down to the nutrition you select each day, and the physical habits. (or lack of them) that you have established. You would be surprised at just how mis-informed most people are about how their body works and the reasons why their physical state has deteriorated so rapidly...

Oh, the one thing you do not want to do is ignore your belly fat. When you do, bad things like this can happen:

Fat around your midsection is one of the first indicators that you have let your health slip. In fact, physicians acknowledge that there is a very high correlation between long-held belly fat and the incidence of chronic health conditions in later life, like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, and hardening of the arteries.

Belly fat is actually quite insidious. It will wrap itself around organs and release toxic chemicals which can damage the heart and blood vessels. Anyone who has been sedentary for long enough most likely has this fat deep inside them and they will not even know it as it does not show on the bathroom scales and only an MRI can detect it. You cannot see that fat directly, but the tell tale bulge at the midsection is a dead giveaway as to the problems that may be lurking beneath...

So there is a very good reason why the opposite sex instinctively shuns a potential partner who displays an accumulation of fat around the midsection. It is a behavior that has been programmed into our genes by countless generations of sexual selection, which is the favoring of physical and behavioral traits in our partners that maximize the likelihood that we will produce healthy children whose parents will be around long enough to ensure they survive to adulthood.

Now, it is true that real accumulation of fat around the midsection is likely a development that has only truly taken hold in our species in the last few hundred years.

But evolution has never lacked unfit individuals upon whom to work its cruel math of selection, better known as "survival of the fittest". We are programmed to respond favorably to members of the opposite sex who are fit to reproduce, and that generally means they are fit in the physical sense as well.

Nature actually gives us a break, and does its best to ensure that during the years when we are at the peak of our sexual desires and sexual performance that we are also in the best physical shape of our lives. But as we move away from the "preferred" age of reproduction, which is around 20 or so years of age, and move into our thirties and beyond, our bodies have effectively "served their reproductive purpose" and nature begins to turn its back on us - especially as we pass the age of about forty, the time when our children have grown into adulthood and no longer rely upon us for their survival.

It is from this point on that, if we want to stick around for as long as possible, we need to take actions into our own hands and do everything we can to ward off the debilitating effects of aging - our built-in program for obsolescence. Seeing your total muscle mass decline, only to be replaced with fatty tissue around the midsection, well this is just the beginning of a long slide into a state of physical atrophy that all of us should logically want to postpone for as long as humanly possible.

I know I want to avoid this, and I am pretty darn sure you do too.

This is why Claim Your Six Pack Abs has been designed to help you fight the war against bodily attrition, by teaching you how to put into effect a plan of action that has the potential to deliver the kind of physique that really is highly prized by all, and whose physical signature is characterized by a flat stomach that retains it's taut appearance even as you move into middle age and beyond.

I think this is a more than worthy goal, and it is why I am proud to present to you the book that captures everything I know about this subject:

Listen, I know that getting yourself into the kind of shape that is required to flatten your tummy, and bring out the muscularity that truly showcases your midsection is hard work. But it is a heck of a lot harder if you simply do not understand what it is that you are trying to do, nor how to go about getting the kind of results you are really looking to achieve. That is why I have put this guide together.

I want to fast-track you for fat-loss success, and get you doing ONLY the things you need to do. I do not want to see you waste your time and then give up a few weeks into the program because it all just seems so hopeless. You've probably been down that road before. You don't need to repeat it.

So I have worked hard to ensure that you will understand the core principles relating to fat loss and its application to thinning out your midsection. Much of the advice revolves around the idea of elevating your metabolism, so that your body will burn more calories over the course of a day than it currently does now. In the end you will realize that the basic ideas are very easy to understand, but due to the large amount of misinformation that it out there on fat loss it is hard not to become confused by it all.

All up, Claim Your Six Pack Abs contains a little more than 100 pages of content. You will not find any extraneous material in the book placed there to simply get the page number up. I run my material past several trusted aquaintances before my books ever go before the public, and believe me, if I add anything that isn't directly related to the subject of the book, or which begins to put them to sleep they tell me in no uncertain terms! So you will find that everything you need to know about this subject has been adequately covered by the time you reach the final page.

In other words, you'll find what you need to know in Claim Your Six Pack Abs, and nothing more.

The content of the book has been broken into 4 core chapters as follows:

Everyone seems to have their own ideas about how to go about carving out that highly desirable set
of six pack abs. The trouble is, much of what passes for fact on this subject is just plain wrong.

So in the first chapter of Claim Your Six Pack Abs I am going to bust the biggest
myths out there about how to carve your own set of washboard abdominals. In the process I will teach you
what the truth is and what it is that YOU need to be doing to secure your own shapely physique
that sports a six pack at its center.

One thing is for sure, belly fat is the most stubborn type of fat to get rid of, and if you don't
understand why it is that you are taking one action rather than another to destroy that
belly fat, then you won't be able to do it - no matter how hard you try.

The 10 Greatest Myths about Fat Lossand Abdominal Shaping

So here is a sneak peak at the ten myths for which I will be exposing the truth so that you can
stop wasting your time and dial into strategies for abdominal shaping that work.

When you have finished this chapter, and you fully appreciate the difference between the myth
and the reality when it comes to shedding fat from your midesction and developing the muscle
that gives it its form, you will be well-prepared for the fat loss tips and the mindset ideas
presented in the chapter that follows.

It would be one thing if adding some weight around the midsection simply meant that your social life might be impaired and you would have to allocate extra money for clothing expenses as your continued to outgrow your jeans. But the potential damage to your health can be quite serious in the long run.

In this chapter I am going to bring you up to speed on the health consequences of carrying around excess belly fat. This is an important motivating factor which a great many people overlook when it comes to embarking on a program of weight loss. It is a big mistake to look into the mirror and judge your need to take action based on the unsightliness of the bulge at your midsection. The real damage is taking place much deeper inside your body, where you cannot see it, and you may never realize it until the day your physician delivers some unwelcome and potentially life-threatening news.

I am also going to show you how to monitor your fat loss progress, so that you can accurately determine how well the plans of action presented in Claim Your Six Pack Abs are working for you. This is also important, because if you cannot see results then the odds are high of you giving up before you have formed healthy eating and exercise habits. Then you are back to square one.

Finally, we are going to look closely at some practical fat loss advice, presented in the form of 5 very detailed tips, each covering several pages of material.

In an earlier chapter you will find that I have covered the topic of full body exercises that are excellent metabolic simulators that help to ensure you burn fat at all hours of the day, and not just while you are exercising. This is a key ingredient to getting your level of body fat down to the level that reveals the muscles and brings out that washborad effect that is the envy of everyone that lays eyes on you.

But in this third chapter of the book I show you how to isolate the abdominals for direct muscle building. In addition, some of the questions we will answer include the following:

After this we will take a careful look at some of the most effective abdominal exercises you can perform to build core muscle. These include:

You will be pleased to learn that you do not have to throw yourself into endless abdominal workouts to show off a tightly defined midsection that ripples with muscle. Many competitive bodybuilders do not do any direct abdominal work, or they do very little, year round. Then just before a competition they will add some of the exercises covered in this chapter to their routine to ensure they squeeze every bit of definition from their "six pack".

You probably do not need to be told that the root cause of your belly fat is that over time you have consumed more food than you needed strictly for energy requirements. So it should be no surprise to discover that you are going to have to modify your eating habits if you hope to trim off those excess pounds of fat.

But unlike a "traditional" diet, where you deprive yourself of the food you love, the Fat Burner Eating Plan that you will learn about in Chapter Four is a more practical approach to weight loss - one that allows you to use food to lose fat.

This chapter of Claim Your Six Pack Abs is probably the most important one in the book, and is by far the largest. In addition to getting specific recipes for fat burner meals, topics covered in this chapter on nutrition include the following:

You will find over 50 pages in this chapter devoted to how to put together the Fat Burner Meal and the reasons for doing it this way. What you will discover is that eating for fat loss does not mean you need to eat boring foods or foods that have no taste because you are avoiding fatty foods or those which contain some form of sweetener. Provided you add the right combination of protein, carbohydrates, and fats in most meals you prepare, you will not be giving up too much of the foods you enjoy.

You will even be able to eat the "forbidden" foods on occasion, so that you never need to feel deprived of the enjoyment that comes of eating something truly delicious. But moderation is the key, and once you have mastered the principles of nutrition outlined in Claim Your Six Pack Abs you will never need to go hungry again simply to burn more fat and keep your body lean.

If you were to use ALL of the information provided in the Claim Your Six Pack Abs program and implemented its key ideas you would be well on
your way to stripping unwanted fat from your body.

Ultimately you would be able to chisel down to that set of six pack abs that truly distinguishes those who possess optimal health
from those who do not. There is no faking this distinction!

But to help accelerate your results I am going to provide you with the following highly useful bonus
product at NO extra cost to you...

Many people invest years into working out but get next to NO benefit from doing so. To help you avoid this tragic waste of time and effort so that you can dial in on what really matters when it comes to sculpting the body you deserve I have created The Minimalist Exercise Program. You'll learn the exercises that allow you to get DOUBLE the workout in HALF the time - effectively quadrupling your results.

OK, so now you have a pretty good idea of what my Claim Your Six Pack Abs approach
is all about. The next part is up to you. If you want to rediscover your abdominals by mastering
the art of eating right and performing the most efficient workouts for sustainable fat loss,
you know what to do next...

YES, Carolyn. I'm ready to for you to show me how to begin stripping
away the fat on my body so that I (and everyone else!) can see my abdominals again.
I want to learn how to approach eating and working out in a way that I can
enjoy, but at the same time see the kind of fat loss results that are going
to have me looking better than ever before and bring me long-term health
benefits. Yup, I am ready for you to show me the way!

Send me my copy of Claim Your Six Pack Abs, an ebook
in PDF format which can be read by any PDF reader such as Adobe Reader, for...

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P.S. While I try as hard as possible NOT to make promises on this page,
here's one you can take to the bank!

If after reading Claim Your Six Pack Abs you still don't think my book lives
up to the promise, or you are dissatisfied for any reason you can simply
email me to request a prompt refund.

Seriously. If you turn out to be one of the few for whom
"Claim Your Six Pack Abs" just doesn't strike a cord, then I don't want your money.

Of course, I have tried hard to over deliver on this product, and I think
when it's in your hands you'll agree that I'm almost fanatical in my
dedication to quality, because I know that's what it takes to
make my clients happy.

Either way, because I use ClickBank to process orders, and because it is their
policy, the refund guarantee is good for a full 60 days.

To Your Lifelong Maintenance Of A Trim Physique,

Author, Fitness Centre Owner
& National Champion Bodybuilder

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